Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our creative side shows through....or not!!!

So today we began our day visiting a Shinto Shrine and making an offering to the God of Food....and as Jen put it...."not a good idea to make him angry!"

Next it was off to a silk kimono textile factory....but we almost lost Jen on the way in the front door....Typhoon #18 was about to hit!!!!

The worst of the typhoon was actually during the night....very windy and sheets of rain...I could hardly see out my bedroom window!!!

We headed to Mashiko pottery villiage...where we had an awesome lunch and lead into a pottery room....

This has to be the funniest picture yet, as we laughed ourselves silly when reviewing our pictures over some of the best coffee we have ever had!!!!

Some of our pottery turned out lovely!!!

And as you can see in the background...some of us were just not cut out to be potters!!!

All in all we had an awesome day in Oyama!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi to all,
    Looks and sounds like you are meeting or likely exceeding your expectations for the exchange. Those komonas are absolutely gorgeous. You mentioned the typhoon, well our weather has been the pits (cold, cold and more cold). We are looking forward to learning about the inbounds GSE team from Japan. I understand from what Kim says that they will be selecting them soon. We will try to put on as interesting a program as you seem to be enjoying.
    Best Regards,
    Wayne Cole
