Monday, July 27, 2009

Team Meeting #3 Rochester Hills, Michigan

On July 10th and 11th our team met for an overnight meeting at our Alternate Team Leader Susan Earp's home in Rochester Hills, Michigan. This meeting was to better get to know each other and to get hammering away at our 'to do' list before travelling to Japan on September 30th, 2009.
On July 10th we first met up with our photographer of Seraphinoff Photography for some professional shots of our group and individually for our business cards and team brochure. The pictures turned out great!

We then all met up at Susan's home for a sushi dinner and team building exercises! Which proved to be very entertaining and enlightening! Many thanks to Dr. Jeannette Saquet and Troy Rotarian Eileen Heasley who volunteered their time to help us learn about and appreciate each other's differences and also led us on a subartic survival situation where the synergistic interactive efforts of our group had a greater impact than the sum of our independent efforts. We actually would have survived the plane crash in the subartic region!
On July 11th, it was up bright and early to get rolling on some of our tasks at hand. Heather and Dustin brought samples of the work they have done in creating our business cards and brochures. We all had a chance for some final input and minor changes. Now the business collateral is off for translation and Elizabeth is taking care of printing quotes.
On the agenda was also to final of our uniforms! All the uniforms have now been choosen and purchased. Jennifer is to take care of getting our golf shirts printed with our 'building bridges' logo and our GSE patches sewn on. Another major task completed!
Lori again led the team in some Japanese language lessons and provided us with some quick reference sheets for our most commonly used phrases and words.
Chantal has done a great job in preparing our presentation! The group had opportunity for input and it is now in the final stages. The tricky part now of course will be actually presenting in Japanese! The next team meeting will be held in August via teleconference.