Monday, September 21, 2009

GSE Send Off Party!

On September 20th, 2009 Our GSE Japan team met for the last time before our departure to Japan! The event was held at Terry B's Restaurant in Dexter, Michiagn and hosted by the Dexter Rotary Club. We had a great turn out of Rotary members and the team's family members! The team would like to send out a big THANK YOU! To our sponsoring Rotary Clubs, the GSE committee and all the support we have recieved from District 6380 in our prepartions for our trip!

Also a thank you to the Outbound Australia Team for showing their support and helping us through the process and for "passing the hat" on to Team Japan!


  1. What a great send-off party - I'm sure I speak for Susanna and Barry when I say we were so glad we could be there! I'm so excited for you guys - I know you will have as great (or better, if that's possible) a time as we had out in Australia. All the best to you all, and I'm excited to follow your journies through the blog! ~Cheryl~

  2. Hey, Jenn....looks like your peace sign is strategically placed behind Lori's head as bunny ears!!!! Great shot!!!I'm sure we'll have that pose down in a couple of weeks!!! Thanks for beat me to it!
