Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sayounara, bon voyage, vaya con dios, gute reise...

No matter how you say it, we wish you safe travel. Enjoy the experience! We'll be thinking about you and following along on the blog.

With best wishes from trip alternates: Susan Earp, Chantal Perry and Elizabeth Severance


  1. Sue, Chantal & Elizabeth:
    So sad we can't take you all with us. Our exchange would not be as good without our alternates. We'll think of you when we put on our uniforms, when we give our presentation, whenever we use something you all helped us with. You are wonderful members of our team. Thank you, arigatoo, gracias, merci, danke...

  2. Thanks guys....its so hard, I know...thanks for all your help along the way.


  3. Hi guys:
    By now you are flying the friendly skies. I hope each of you has an incredible experience that will change your life. May this also build long lasting friendships.... you will likely do things with group that you will never do with anyone else. Have the time of your life !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll be in touch.
    :-) Kim Pierce.
